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Uniform Grant Guidance Procurement Procedure

Here you'll find a quick reference guide for the Federal Government's Uniform Grant Guidance (UGG) Procurement Procedure for Grants (FUNDs 35XXX and 36XXX), effective 2017年7月1日.

 Procurement Claw

  • Micro Purchases up to $9,999
    • May be processed at the discretion of the department so long as the selected vendor is not on the 排除 List (see below)
    • May use University-wide price agreements
    • When possible, and if a University-wide price agreement is not available, departments should vary the vendors for similar purchases over the course of the year.
    • 部门 are encouraged to submit a Purchase Order for grant funded purchases, but may submit a check request so long as the department provides documentation that it checked the 排除 List 之前 making the purchase.
    • Use Electronic Internal Order (EIO) system for internal purchases provided the item or service purchased is allowable under the terms of the grant award
    •  Check to see if selected vendor on 排除 list 之前 making the purchase. 排除 web site is Sam.政府.  Purchases cannot be charged to a grant if the vendor has been 被.
  • Small-Dollar Purchases $10,000 up to $49,999 for Goods and/or Services
    • May use University-wide price agreement
    • If there is not a University-wide price agreement available, then a minimum of two (2) quotations must be obtained from vendors that are not on the 排除 List.  Such quotes may be:
        • In writing (email ok) from the vendor;
        • Price list on a website; and/or
        • Generated by a on line search engine
    • When possible, and if a University-wide price agreement is not available, departments should vary the vendors for similar purchases over the course of the year.
    • 部门 are encouraged to submit a Purchase Order for grant funded purchases, but may submit a check request so long as the department provides documentation that it checked the 排除 List 之前 making the purchase.  (请注意:  Purchases of $10,000 or more must be encumbered as a Purchase Order 之前 placing the order with the vendor per UNC’s Fiscal Rule.
    • Use  EIO system for internal purchases provided the item or service purchased is allowable under the terms of the grant award
    • Check to see if selected vendor is on 排除 list 之前 making the purchase.  排除 web site is Sam.政府.  Purchases cannot be charged to a grant if the vendor has been 被.
    •  Quotations and purchasing documents need to be a part of the history file
  • 密封投标 & Competitive Proposals:  Purchases at or above the University Bid Thresholds of $50,000 Goods and/or Services
    • Contact 采购 & 合同 Department as soon as possible to begin the solicitation process pursuant to UNC’s Procurement Rules. The 采购 Agent will determine the appropriate solicitation method.
  • Sole Source Procurements
    • The federal awarding agency or pass-through entity expressly authorizes (in writing, on file with OSP) that the purchase does not require competition.
    • Only one qualified contractor can provide the good or service.
  • 笔记
    1. The exclusions provided under UNC’s Procurement Rule do not apply to federal grants, and therefore, all purchases using a 35XXX or 36XXX fund must follow the guidelines provided in this document.
    2. The purchase thresholds listed above are based upon a known cumulative purchase amount over the course of the fiscal year.  You may not split purchases to avoid these procurement 需求.
    3. If you have questions regarding these guidelines, please contact John Chaplain (1-2040).
    4. A complete list of UGG guidelines can be found 在线.