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Summer FAQs

General Information

  • What are the Summer Term dates?


    • First 6-week session: May 13 - June 21
      • University Closed for Memorial Day - May 27
      • University Closed for Juneteenth - June 19
    • Second 6-weeks session: June 24 - August 2
      • 7月4日独立日,大学放假
    • 8-week session: June 3 - July 26
      • University Closed for Juneteenth - June 19
      • 7月4日独立日,大学放假
    • 12-week session: May 13 - August 2
      • University Closed for Memorial Day - May 27
      • University Closed for Juneteenth - June 19
      • 7月4日独立日,大学放假

    并非所有的课程日期都遵循特定的课程. Some courses are short courses 和可能只举行一个星期的讲习班. 请查看特别学期/短期课程截止日期报告,以了解确切的开始和结束时间 dates for courses.

  • Who can take course during the Summer term?

    想继续深造的在校生在美国,想要在大学生涯中有一个快速开始的高中生或学生 其他机构想要利用我们的暑期课程.

    如果你是在读学生或者在最近至少上过一门课 year,你的学生账户是活跃的,你有资格注册暑期课程.

    如果你上了一门课已经超过一年了, your student account is inactive. 要重新激活它,您必须完成和 submit the Returning Student Application Form. 重新激活大约需要24小时,不包括周末和节假日.

    If you’ve never taken a course at UNC, you must complete and submit the Non-Degree Admissions 申请开始加速博天堂官方过程,验证您的居留身份 用于支付学费和激活学生账户. Please allow 72 hours for processing, excluding weekends and holidays.


  • When can I register for summer courses?

    报名时间为4月1日星期一上午7点.m. You will register through Ursa - your online student portal.

  • I have a registration hold; can I still register?

    No. hold是可能阻止您注册课程的限制 记录在你的学生记录在任何时间在学期. They are placed on your 由不同的办公室记录,并在您尝试使用Ursa注册时提示. 延迟添加不是一个可接受的理由或理由.

    如需清除呼叫保持,请与呼叫局联系. Contact information is provided in Ursa.

  • How many credits may I take?

    本科学生夏季学期的最大总课程负荷为15学分. Maximum of 12 credits for Graduate students. 

    最大限制的例外情况需要重载许可. More information: 970-351-4862 or Office of the Registrar.

Course Offerings

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