
学生教学 Information

The 学生教学 Placement Office welcomes you to the most important learning experience in your teacher education program. We hope this experience will be exciting, 富有成效,有意义. In order to make it a success, please adhere to the following 政策仔细.

谢丽尔的火花, Field Experience Placement Officer

  • To apply 给学生教, you must successfully complete the EDFE 130/Application 给学生教ing checkpoint, the semester prior to student teaching.
  • 你必须 通过 the PLACE or PRAXIS exam in order to complete the EDFE 130/Application to Student Teaching checkpoint and Student Teach.
  • 你必须 have and maintain the required GPA for your program before you will be allowed 给学生教.
  • Placements in preferred geographic areas or partner schools or at specific grade levels 不能保证. 
  • Teacher Candidates cannot be placed in a school where they have a close relative attending 和/或工作.
  • 学生教学 in the high school you attended is at the discretion of your program 协调员.
  • 做好家庭作业; research districts. Make sure you know which districts require separate applications and/or background checks in addition to those UNC requires.
  • You will be notified through Bearmail when your assignment has been 确认. 一次 you receive written confirmation, you should immediately contact the school and arrange to meet your mentor teacher and the building administrator.
  • 你必须 complete all required coursework before 学生教学. 你是不允许的 to take additional courses while you student teach.
  • 一旦一个位置 确认它不会改变. If you have a question about your placement, please contact 谢丽尔的火花 in the 学生教学办公室.
  • It is your responsibility to keep the School of Teacher Education Office informed 地址有任何变动. Changing your address on Ursa will not change your address in the 学生教学办公室 because we use a different database.
  • Out of State placements require a meeting with 谢丽尔的火花, at least one week prior to completing the online Request for Placement. Call Cheryl at 970-351-4716 to set up an appointment.
  • Out of State placements may require additional fees; UNC will pay the first $400.00 监理费. The student is responsible for any fees that exceed $400.00. This may range from $0 to $2000 or more, depending on the placement. 费用必须 be paid to 谢丽尔的火花 in McKee 216 before a teacher candidate may begin the student 教学的任务. 国际 placements may also require additional fees. 看到 more information on student teaching abroad.

Missed field experience hours policy

  1. Days missed in any field experience for any reason must be compensated by equal number 现场工作时间. In-service days, parent conference days or similar professional activities that are a normal part of teachers’ work are considered to be field hours. 无报酬的 absences will lead to withdrawal from the course or a failing grade.
  2. The following exceptions to the rule #1 above are allowed only if (i) no more than the Excess Hours (Art K-12 – None; Secondary- 14 hours; All others - 24) are missed, (ii) the absences occur with consent and at the discretion of the program 协调员, and (iii) the absences occur at the end of field experience, and cannot be compensated 在同一学期.
    • School closure (Snow days, medical quarantine, building emergencies, etc.)
    • Documented medical emergencies
    • Scheduled UNC activities the teacher candidate is required or highly encouraged to attend (seminars, required training, teacher job fairs, etc.). 导师、老师和 UNC supervisor must be notified and give their consent.
  3. Students affected by one of the three cases in #2 beyond the Excess Hours may make up the missed hours either in their current site or at another site. 否则他们 will receive an incomplete, which will be changed to a passing grade once missing field hours are documented.

School District Information