
UNC 餐饮's Guide to Hosting 事件s and Meetings On Campus

UNC 餐饮 / Sodexo is the catering provider on campus, and we are eager to work with you to support meetings and events that are held on campus. 我们希望你已经注意到了 the investment we've undertaken to upgrade and enhance the dining options on campus which is based on student, faculty, and staff feedback.

We would like to provide you with some information regarding your food options when 你预订校园活动和会议. 会议和活动服务团队将 able to guide you through the process and answer any questions. 联系电话:970-351-2558 or 事件.Services@parkcitiesflowermarket.net.

Policy updated as of 8/1/22: UNC 餐饮 / Sodexo has the first right of refusal 所有校园餐饮活动. 如果我们不能满足你方的要求,会议 and 事件 Services will provide you with alternatives, including an opportunity to 申请豁免.



请参阅 the following questions and answers to help you make your decision about 提交豁免表格.

  • UNC餐饮/索迪斯的独特之处是什么?
    • 餐车选择
      • One of our new mini Food Carts offers “hot” items like burgers and brats, while the 另一种是冰淇淋之类的“冷”食品. 这对父母来说是一个很好的补充, 校友,或特殊的社区活动. 询问他们今天是否有空.
    • 学生友好预算菜单
      • These menu selections are designed to provide quality food and beverages at a budget 价格.
  • Why can't I just order from any provider of your my own choosing?
    • 食品安全
      • UNC 餐饮 / Sodexo is licensed, all employees are trained to serve, and protocols 是否安全、恰当地提供食物.
    • UNC receives a percentage of all catering revenue on campus, so help keep UNC funds 在UNC.
  • 什么是豁免?
    • You may qualify for an exemption if (including, but not limited to):
      • 你的活动/聚会将只有15人或更少
      • You are requesting culturally responsive cuisine that UNC 餐饮 cannot provide
    • 提示:如有疑问,请填写豁免表格. 如果你的申请被拒绝,你就会 be informed as to the reasons why and be given more options.
  • 我的活动如何获得豁免?
    • 应用 for an exemption through your 事件 协调员.
  • 需要多少时间才能获得豁免?
    • Exemptions need to be submitted at least 10-14 business days prior to your meeting/event.
      • Please speak with your 事件 协调员 about how to submit an exemption form.
  • 如果我的豁免被拒绝,我该怎么办?
    • Conference and 事件 Services will be able to provide you options for your meeting/event.
  • 我们可以带什么样的食物到现场?
    • The only food that would be allowed on campus would be food that is not offered by 我们无法生产的餐饮或食品. 例子包括:
      • i. 一些具有文化特色的食物
      • ii. Goods/baked goods purchased at a grocery store (only allowed for small groups)
        • 这些物品必须用商业包装/盒装.
          • You cannot have someone bake/prepare food themselves and then wrap it in plastic wrap.
        • 就其他零食而言,糖果是不错的.
        • 汽水只要是百事可乐的产品就可以.
        • Chips are okay even though UNC 餐饮 can provide those.
      • 食品不是用联合国军司令部的资金购买的
      • 捐赠的食品
        • Possibly, but this one is hard to say yes or no to because it varies by event.
        • Exemption forms will require you to answer questions that pertain to the food safety 这将在每次活动中遵循. 如前所述,如有疑问,请 填写表格.
      • 盛餐会
        • 是的,要有一份批准的豁免表格.
        • It also must be a closed event not open to the public.  
        • Conference and 事件 Services has a Potluck guideline form to check out available 要求.
      • Pizzas that are being ordered/delivered to the residence halls, academic buildings, 或者文化/资源中心
        • All pizza orders should go through Empire State Pizza in the University Center.
        • UNC 餐饮 only delivers pizza if there are other items ordered (beverages, desserts, 芯片等.) If there is catering attached to the order and you want it delivered somewhere not in the University Center, there will be a delivery charge. 请参阅 我们的网站可以查看不同类型的 交付费用.
  • If an exemption is approved, what is required to bring in outside food?
    • 食物供应商必须是持牌食物供应商.
    • 食品必须妥善运输.
      • 把食物包紧.
      • Transport food in containers and vehicles that do not present hazards.
    • 热的食物要热,冷的食物要凉.
      • Keep cold foods at 41 degrees or below and hot foods at 135 degrees or above.
      • Be mindful to keep bacteria from transferring from contaminated utensils, equipment, food, or other sources into/onto food that is ready to eat or other safe food contact 表面.
    • UNC is a Pepsi campus, so all drinks need to be Pepsi products.
    • Use separate serving spoons, tongs, and/or spatulas for each food product.
    • Use a chafing dish with a lid and lit sternos to keep food hot. 检查温度 to make sure hot food is held to 135 degrees or above.
  • If an exemption is approved, do I have to wear gloves when serving food?
    • 是的. 食物安全很重要. 一定要做到以下几点:
      • 经常洗手.
      • 如果他们遇到非食物物品,请更换手套.
      • You must wear gloves when handling food that will not require any further cooking 或者在食用前清洗.
      • 不要在食物或服务区域周围吸烟.
  • If an exemption is approved, how long can I keep food out to eat?
    • Properly held food cannot be left out longer than 4 hours.
      • Foods that require strict time and temperature control are considered TCS foods (Time/Temperature 安全管制). Pathogens love TCS foods because they present an ideal environment 让细菌生长和传播. Preventing TCS foods from entering the danger zone is 一个重要的食品安全实践. 细菌在华氏70度到 125度.
      • Always monitor these high-risk TCS foods closely: milk and dairy products, meat and poultry, fish, shellfish, and crustaceans, shell eggs, baked potatoes, cooked rice, beans, and vegetables, tofu, soy protein, or other plant-based meat alternatives, sprouts and sprout seeds, cut tomatoes, melons, and leafy greens, and untreated garlic 和混合油
  • If an exemption is approved, can I serve hot dogs and hamburger straight off the grill 用烤架做热源?
    • 是的, you can, however, remember to keep your uncooked hot dogs and hamburgers on ice in a cooler to keep the temperature at 41 degrees or below. 

If you have further questions, please feel free to reach out the your 事件 协调员.