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Responsible and Ethical Conduct of 研究 

Responsible and Ethical Conduct of 研究 (RECR) is essential to the conduct of research and teaching at UNC, and federal granting agencies are now requiring that grantees certify to having institutional plans in place to provide training and oversight in the responsible and ethical conduct of research to students, faculty and staff 成员.

UNC Responsible and Ethical Conduct of 研究 PolicyUNC Plan for Responsible and Ethical Conduct of 研究 provides information about RECR and RECR educational opportunities, and it outlines the roles and responsibilities of the various parties involved in RECR at UNC. RECR training is available to UNC students, faculty and staff 成员 through online course modules of the Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) of the University 迈阿密.

Safe and Inclusive Work Environment for Off-Campus/Off-Site 研究

Some federal sponsors now require that a plan for a Safe and Inclusive Work Environment be on file at the time of proposal submission.  的 Safe and Inclusive Work Environment for Off-Campus/Off-Site 研究 PolicySafe and Inclusive Work Environment Plan form will assist researchers meet this requirement.


Online course modules in the Responsible Conduct of 研究 are available to UNC faculty, staff and students.

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Additional Resources

Funding agencies recognize the importance of the responsible and ethical conduct of research (RECR) to maintain the public trust in the research enterprise. 机构 receiving funding from the National Science Foundation and National 研究院 of Health are required to have a plan in place for providing appropriate training and oversight in the responsible and ethical conduct of research to undergraduate and graduate students and postdoctoral researchers involved in grant funded research.

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