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NHS Identity, 值, 目标

  • Identity

    • In NHS, personalized education is how we put students first.

    • Framed by the teacher-scholar model, we instruct students on how to conduct high-quality research or clinical practices and prepare them to function as leaders and problem solvers in society.

    • In NHS, a focus on equity transcends all areas of our work.

    • NHS's faculty have experience in their fields and view their role as professionals preparing professionals in the natural sciences, the health sciences, and in teaching.

  • We value personalized relationship-based education where we know our students as individuals. We foster their success in their field and career within natural and health sciences through clinical and research experiences with faculty scholars.

    We value and deliver high-quality programs that prepare
    tomorrow's workforce, develop lifelong learners, and empower students to become global citizens and problem-solvers.

    We value diversity in our students, faculty, and staff. We value inclusive learning and work environments where everyone thrives.

  • 目标

    Personalized Relationship-Based Education

    • Foster student connections, sense of belonging, and professional preparation through internships, applied learning, clinical experiences, interdisciplinary collaboration, and early research opportunities.

    • Increase student and faculty research and funding opportunities by encouraging grant 写作.

    High-Quality Programs 

    • Prepare students for global challenges by incorporating interdisciplinary learning outcomes in courses.

    • Ensure courses and programs are developing students for careers in the natural and health sciences. 


    • Attain equitable outcomes for minoritized and first-generation students with a focus on retention, recruitment, graduation rates, success rates in classes, and persistence in natural and health sciences.

    • Adapt to the changing dynamic of the student population and of STEM and health disciplines by expanding faculty and staff participation in DEI professional development and continuously evaluating DEI practices.

    • Recruit diverse faculty and staff through equitable hiring practices in STEM and health disciplines.

    • Align faculty workload to individual faculty strengths.

    • Prioritize faculty and staff retention and positive college climate.